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“Our clients our most trusted ambassadors”

Our professional services extend across Canada to every sector.

Cultural Institutions
Healthcare & Public Health
National and Provincial Associations
Private Sector
Public Sector and Government

We are Bilingual, offering services in English and French.

Leadership Coaching and Mentoring

How to prepare yourself and team-members to effectively adapt to unexpected turbulence?

We provide corporate and individual leadership coaching and mentoring; one-on-one, or with groups of any size designing the best leadership program for your personnel, board and organization.  Become the Leader of Choice… A crisis incident leader proof!

This dynamic of coaching and mentoring is dedicated to build leadership confidence, knowledge and education both to existing executives, senior managers or individuals aspiring managers or business owners; skills needed include the ability to lead individual and teams decisions.

Effective crisis, emergency action team leaders have the ability to collaborate, integrate, delegate and monitor progress of the myriad crisis, emergency response and recovery actions throughout the organizations.

We will support individuals who are committed to improving their leadership, confidence and skills in the face of crisis, administrative investigations, incidents, emergency, disaster and mass disasters.

What you want:

As a leader, you want to be able to stay ahead to:

  • Inspire and motivate your team
  • Communicate with authority
  • Be more proactive and risk smart
  • Think strategically
  • Be politically savvy and build your network
  • Take your organization to the next level, even in the face of crisis and or emergency.

For organizations, benefits include:

  • Turning existing leadership potential into solid performance
  • Making better management decisions and advice
  • Implementing successful organizational change
  • Building higher performing organizations

In times of crisis and emergencies, Executives and Senior Managers have the critical task of addressing strategic and operational issues. Coaching will help you and or your teams understand:

  • Your organization’s governance
  • Decisions making approach to mitigation, response and recovery
  • As well as how to consider the strategic and operational issues
  • Attention is also given to the working relationship between executives, the emergency operations centre (EOC) and key stakeholders.

Book an appointment

Ginette Soulieres

Ginette Soulieres, President

A recognized national recognized seasoned leader, expert with extensive advisory knowledge and experience.


Call today: 1-613-371-0878


We serve organizations of all types and sizes and offer services in both  official languages - English and French.

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